Meta is missing this shiny penny. Before the CruiseAlly dream came to fruition, Justin Tait was a highly valued member of the Meta team. In fact, one day, Justin was hustling with such gusto he cut Mark Zuckerberg off in the hallway. Did he get in trouble? No! Mark probably knew Justin had places to be, and dreams to dream. Cruises to be on.

Justin leads the CruiseAlly team with passion and diplomacy.  He is a cruise aficionado and experienced problem-solver at heart. With a proven track record at companies such as Meta, Justin thrives leading teams and spearheading initiatives that bring about positive change. His unwavering focus on the entire business ensures that CruiseAlly’s overarching objective, customer experience, remains top of mind.

Justin’s dream cruise is a long sailing in a suite with a never ending supply of chocolate cakes to choose from. From there he would work his way onto the entertainment staff, where he would have his pick of fun filled jobs, and maybe, never have to disembark again, ever.

Find Justin on LinkedIn

These truths and strechers can be blamed on Megan Chapa.